Foundational Statement

Re-Forma is responding to the crisis of insufficiently trained church leadership. Founded on outcome and impact-based assessment, Re-Forma provides recognised benchmarks for informal and non-formal biblically-based ministry through a program which provides guidelines for evaluating the thousands of existing training programmes for ministry competency and guidelines for start-up organisations wanting to train thousands of church leaders annually.

The world desperately needs Christian leaders who know the Scripture and can effectively serve the church. For these servants, Re-Forma awards a Certificate of Biblical Training for Ministry. Because it is underwritten by the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), this Certificate provides the first-ever global standard for non-formal ministry training.

Important: Re-Forma does not tell ministry organisations what to do or how to do it, but rather provides resources to assist them in achieving the goals they have formulated. It does not focus its work on traditional, formal theological education, but rather on non-formal/informal leadership formation needs which exist at all levels, from grass-roots upwards. The outcomes we prescribe are extremely simple and can be demonstrated by students at any level, including those who only have a primary school education.