The World Evangelical Alliance unites churches for Gospel witness and discipleship. WEA seeks to strengthen local churches through national alliances, supporting and coordinating grassroots leadership and seeking practical ways of showing the unity of the body of Christ.
Advancing quality and collaboration in global theological education to strengthen and accompany the church in its mission.
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA) is a Christian umbrella organization, representing National Evangelical Fellowships in all Africa. AEA’s purpose is to mobilize and empower the church for the holistic transformation of communities and societies in Africa.
Harvesters is opening the way for more people to come to Christ and access God’s Word like never before—resulting in the rapid, yet responsible, multiplication of church plants all around the world. Our vision is to plant 1 million new churches, to train 1 million pastors, and evangelize and disciple 100 million believers by 2030.
I am so glad for the work of Re-Forma as a key partner to schools around the world seeking to keep high principles and standards in equipping Christian workers. In leadership and ministry training, the tendency to mediocrity is great in order to get more students or increase income. Re-Forma holds us all to high standards and encourages excellence in the work of leadership development. They are an excellent co-laborer with us in being the best we can be.
Transforming Nations by Training Leaders. EMIT provides wholistic development of influential leaders to increase leadership effectiveness to transform every segment of society.
The biggest reason for the needs in Africa can be contributed to weak, immature, unethical, and untrained leaders. The partnership between EMIT and Re-Forma will go a long way in addressing the urgent demand for well-equipped leaders in the church. It is our privilege to work together to see a trained pastor in every church in Africa.
World Mission Centre is called to provoke, enthuse and inspire the body of Christ to be released to the task of world evangelization.
Our Live School
Missionary Training program, translated
into more than a dozen languages, has already been used in more
than 90 nations across 5 continents with more than 23 000
students that have been trained. We are excited about our
partnership with Re-Forma since this will give all of our
students across the globe the possibility to receive a
Certificate that provides a globally recognised standard for the
non-formal ministry training they have gone through.
The vision of WENSA, derived from its national and global
partners, is:
That the whole South African church will take the
whole gospel to the whole world
The Increase Association’s purpose is to connect and strengthen church-based training movements across Asia and beyond.
Most Increase members use TEE materials and methodology, and SEAN's six-course TEE programme, The Life of Christ, is recognized as providing a great foundation for developing Re-Forma’s 35 outcomes.
Planting churches among the unreached people groups of Asia through equipping indigenous church planters and pastoral leaders to the glory of God.
One Mission Society engages the one to reach the many, multiplying disciples, churches, leaders, and missionaries in 78 nations. OMS ministers from the principle that the most effective way to spread the Gospel is by training a nation’s sons and daughters to multiply believers and churches in their homelands.
OMS, an evangelical, interdenominational faith mission with roots in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, partners with more than 300 organizations and church denominations around the world to help fulfill the Great Commission. We are delighted to partner with Re-Forma to certify graduates of our Village Church Planting ministry in 31 African countries.
The SBCI material is designed with flexibility, to cater for different users and different teaching formats. Our material is geared for people with many different types of prior education. Some only have a primary school education, while others have more. We provide the material for those in ministry to start their own schools. Our material does not focus on traditional, formal theological education, but rather on non-formal/informal leadership formation needs which exist at all levels, from grass-roots upwards. Our curriculum consists of three modules comprising 19 books in each. We are not bound by the requirements imposed by accrediting agencies and aim to keep our training as simple as possible.
We have partnered with the Re-Forma, ensuring that the outcomes we prescribe are in line with the requirements set by the World Evangelical Alliance. They are simple and can be demonstrated by students at any level… This confirms that the person who passes is qualified to minister, irrespective of his/her previous education.
In more than 65 nations globally, Timothy Two is committed to equipping and training indigenous pastors and ministry leaders with the essential truths of the Christian faith so that they can train others. This way, the mandate from Christ in the Great Commission to "make disciples" can be accomplished in areas of the world where there is little or no formal biblical and theological training available. TTPI began to incorporate the Reforma program, particularly in Latin America, in 2022.
"The Berean Institute is a Multi-Stakeholder Learning Cooperative whose mission is to provide:
... utilizing educational strategies focused on Re-Forma’s 35 Ministry Outcomes, resulting in Competency-Based Micro-Credentials in Shepherdology and the Certificate in Biblical Training for Ministry (in partnership with Re-Forma and underwritten by the World Evangelical Alliance)."
Petros Network partners with national churches in the developing world to recruit and equip indigenous leaders to share, show, and spread the Good News among their own unreached and unengaged people groups. These leaders plant churches in the hardest-to-reach, under-resourced regions they serve and provide spiritual and physical solutions that result in Redemptive Lift for entire communities.
Shepherds Global Classroom provides FREE curriculum for emerging Christian leaders around the world. With 20 foundational courses in over 32 languages, SGC curriculum covers the doctrinal and practical fundamentals for Christian leader training, and is a simple-to-use tool for pastors and missionaries who desire to establish structured, informal, and non-formal training programs in any context.
TLT works with international and local ministry partners. TLT equips church leaders to grow healthy churches and transform their communities. Participants can expect an interactive training. They reflect on and discuss Bible passages and life experience in order to intentionally apply their learning. Participants advance the Kingdom of God in their congregations and communities through their applied learning. TLT courses are modular. They require three to four days of small-group study every 4 months. The courses cover topics like pastoral care, stewardship, theology, and preaching. The complete TLT program can be completed in three years. TLT is active in many different countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. TLT manuals are in many different languages. Se habla español. Nous parlons français. Please contact us at