Frequently Asked Questions

No, we serve people in the non-formal sector, many of whom will never have the opportunity to study at a formal institution. We want to provide an internationally recognised Certificate which confirms that the person who passes is qualified to minister, irrespective of his/her previous education.

As long as that organization is satisfied that you have demonstrated the required outcomes, and has signed off on them, you will only need to do the ones you have not yet covered in our program.

They will need to add them to their curriculum, or you could take them through another provider (for example, online).

No, it is for ALL Christians. Many Christians never minister, i.e., use their gifting to help grow the Kingdom and this curriculum is designed to train them to do so. It is also designed to help pastors who have no FORMAL training to be properly equipped.

When you have successfully demonstrated all the outcomes, your facilitator must sign the assessment sheet and send it to so that your certificate can be issued.

The program is absolutely free (although your provider may levy its own fee to cover things like photocopying, etc.), but once you have successfully demonstrated all the outcomes, you will be charged a nominal fee of $5 plus courier costs, in developing countries, and $10 plus courier costs in first-world countries, so that the Certificate can be sent to you.

Yes, there are currently 2 institutions offering these credits. For those who have successfully completed the Certificate of Biblical Training for Ministry with Re-Forma, the South African Theological Seminary (SATS) will award 36 credits to students enrolling with them, which would exempt them from 3 courses, namely

  1. BIB1121 How to Study the Bible
  2. PRA1121 Christian Relationships and
  3. THE1121 Christian Foundations

And a student who enters a Mukhanyo Theological College Higher Certificate programme and has been certified by Re-Forma as having demonstrated its thirty-five outcomes, will receive RPL module exemption for three modules as follows:

For the Higher Certificate in Bible Teaching

  1. CT01 Christian Character
  2. CT04 New Testament Survey 1
  3. CM09 Witness of the Church

For the Higher Certificate in Church Ministry

  1. CM02 Leadership in the Church
  2. CM04 Counselling in the Church
  3. CM09 Witness of the Church